When to consider an earlobe repair

Earlobe repair, also known as earlobe reconstruction or earlobe rejuvenation, is a surgical procedure performed to correct various deformities or damage to the earlobe. It is commonly sought by individuals who have experienced earlobe trauma, stretched or torn earlobes due to heavy earrings or gauges, or those who desire aesthetic improvements to their earlobes.

Here are some common scenarios where earlobe repair may be required:

  1. Torn or split earlobes: Earlobes can tear or split partially or completely due to trauma, accidents, or heavy earrings. Earlobe repair involves suturing the torn edges together to restore the integrity and shape of the earlobe.

  2. Stretched or elongated earlobes: Prolonged wearing of heavy earrings or gauges can stretch the earlobe, resulting in an elongated or sagging appearance. Our earlobes can also grow and sag with age. In earlobe repair, excess tissue may be removed, and the remaining tissue is reshaped and sutured to create a more natural and aesthetically pleasing contour.

  3. Enlarged ear piercings: Over time, ear piercings can stretch and become significantly larger than desired. Earlobe repair can involve reducing the size of the piercing hole or closing it completely if desired.

The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia in our office and Dr. Misch carefully sutures the earlobe to bring it back to a natural shape. The sutures are removed after a week and the healing process continues for several weeks, during which the earlobe should be protected and kept clean. If an earring hole was closed or removed during the procedure, Dr. Misch will repierce your ear after 6 weeks.


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