Brow Lift in Denver, CO
Look bright and rested, not surprised
With time, our eyebrows can start to sag, creating a heaviness to our upper face and eyes. A brow lift (also known as a forehead lift) is a surgical procedure that lifts the brows, opening up the eyes and creating a more youthful appearance to the upper face.
In the past, brow lifts made patients look constantly surprised. This was due to over-elevation of the inner, or medial, part of the brow. In today’s more modern brow lift procedure, the emphasis is on lifting the outer, or lateral, part of the brow. Using this technique, Dr. Misch will open your eyes, helping you look bright and rested, not surprised.

Who is a brow lift candidate?
You are a candidate for a brow lift if your brows have started to sag and feel heavy over your eyes. In women, the brow should sit above the rim of the orbital bone; in men, brows are ideally at the level of the orbital rim. Once your brow sags below these levels, it can be time for a brow lift. Age is not necessarily the only factor in considering a brow lift- some people have lower-set brows from birth and can benefit from a brow lift earlier in life.
You should be overall healthy. It is also important to have realistic expectations and a positive attitude to help you navigate your recovery! During your brow lift consultation, Dr. Misch will go over your medical history and determine if this cosmetic procedure is right for you.
What are the benefits of a brow lift?
The benefits of a brow lift include lifting sagging brows, removing excess skin, and addressing vertical frown lines and hooded upper eyelids, creating a more open appearance to your eyes. Heavy brows can make you look angry or tired all the time, and a surgical brow lift can help change that. It can also help soften forehead wrinkles.
When combined with other cosmetic procedures like eyelid surgery or a facelift, you can enjoy a complete facial transformation.
What is brow lift recovery like?
You may have a headache for the first few days after a brow lift. This will gradually improve and we have medication to help the headache. You may have some slight swelling and bruising of the forehead for about one week. You'll want to keep your head elevated for the first week or so to help ease swelling. Stitches will be removed 7-10 days after your surgery. After ~ 2 weeks, you are cleared to resume your normal activities.
As with all surgeries, full results can take time. Dr. Misch will be with you every step of your recovery!

Why choose Dr. Misch for your brow lift?
Dr. Misch’s meticulous surgical technique will provide excellent results for your brow lift surgery.
She will provide caring, compassionate treatment both before and after your cosmetic surgery. She is available to answer your questions throughout your recovery. You will truly have someone supporting you every step of the way!
Dr. Misch’s brow lift will open and rejuvenate your upper face and eyes!

Look and feel better, younger, refreshed. Improved.
Schedule a Consultation
When we feel confident, the people around us notice. Through an individualized, tailor made treatment plan, Dr. Misch can help you feel more self assured.
Brow Lift FAQs
To start, no one NEEDS a brow lift*! It simply depends on what your goals are. *Unless your brows are impacting your ability to see.
In patients with a small amount of brow sagging, a “chemical brow lift” may benefit them. This involves injecting neuromodulators just under the eyebrow. By paralyzing this part of the eye muscle (the orbicularis oculi), you can get a small amount of lift to the brow.
It is important to note that neuromodulators elsewhere in the forehead can actually worsen brow sagging and make the brows feel heavier.
The incisions in the brow lift are hidden within the hairline. There are either 2 or 4 small (< 1 inch) incisions made just behind the hairline. These heal incredibly well and are hidden by your hair.
Most herbal supplements should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Any blood thinner or aspirin will also need to be stopped. You should avoid taking NSAIDs for 7 days prior to surgery.
Supplements like arnica, bromelain, vitamin C, and zinc may be taken prior to surgery, as these can help reduce bruising and swelling.
Pain medication will be prescribed. We may also inject long lasting numbing medication into your forehead. This blocks the sensory nerves and will greatly improve your headache during recovery.
Dr. Misch will personally review your medication list prior to surgery and discuss what to and not to take with you directly.
In patients with significant sagging of the brows and upper eyelids, a brow lift combined with an upper blepharoplasty often provides the greatest rejuvenation effect for the upper face and eyes.
If patients have hollowness of the temples, fat grafting to the temples can help provide a more complete rejuvenation to the upper face.
Yes. While a brow lift can somewhat soften the wrinkles on the forehead, it does not directly affect the forehead muscles, the frontalis and the corrugators. These muscles will continue to contract and create horizontal forehead and vertical “11” glabellar wrinkles. To improve and prevent these wrinkles, you will still need neuromodulator injections after a brow lift.