Lower Blepharoplasty in Denver, CO
Rejuvenate your eyes
Hollow undereyes, also known as a tear trough deformity, and lower eye bags are both telltale signs of aging. A lower blepharoplasty, or lower eyelid surgery, can correct both of these problems. The bulging lower lid fat is reduced and repositioned, creating a smooth contour from the eye to the cheek.
Dr. Misch typically performs a lower blepharoplasty through a hidden incision within the eye. If there is excess lower lid skin, this can be treated with CO2 laser for skin tightening or with conservative removal of the excess skin.

Who is a lower blepharoplasty candidate?
You are a candidate for a lower blepharoplasty if you have started developing hollowness of the tear trough or bags under your eyes. Those with excess and crepey lower eye skin may also benefit from a lower blepharoplasty.
You should be overall healthy without eye problems such as severe dry eye. It is also important to have realistic expectations and a positive attitude to help you navigate your recovery!
What are the benefits of a lower blepharoplasty?
A lower blepharoplasty will help smooth the transition from the lower eyelid to the cheek. By removing and repositioning excess, bulging fat, you will have less hollowness or bags under the eyes.
Crepey skin under the eye may be treated with CO2 laser at the same time as lower blepharoplasty. In cases of significant amounts of excess skin, a small amount of skin, a “skin pinch,” can be taken to improve the appearance of the lower lid skin.
What is lower blepharoplasty recovery like?
You will have some swelling and bruising of the lower eyelids after lower blepharoplasty that typically resolves by 2 weeks. Any early bruising can be covered up by channeling your inner celebrity and wearing sunglasses indoors! If you have stitches (only in the event of a “skin pinch”), they will be removed on day 4 or 5 after surgery. It will be important to keep your eyes moisturized with eye drops as you recover, as the lining of the eye can be more prone to irritation during this time. You will want to rest and take it easy for the first week after surgery, but by week 2 you can return to nearly all your prior activities.
As with all surgeries, full results can take time, up to 3-6 months. Dr. Misch will be with you every step of your recovery!

Why choose Dr. Misch for your lower blepharoplasty?
Dr. Misch’s meticulous surgical technique will provide excellent results for your lower blepharoplasty surgery.
She will provide caring, compassionate treatment, both before and after your surgery. She is available to answer your questions throughout your recovery. You will truly have someone supporting you every step of the way!
Dr. Misch’s lower blepharoplasty will bring back the sparkle in your eyes!

Look and feel better, younger, refreshed. Improved.
Schedule a Consultation
When we feel confident, the people around us notice. Through an individualized, tailor made treatment plan, Dr. Misch can help you feel more self assured.
Lower Blepharoplasty FAQs
To start, no one NEEDS a lower blepharoplasty! It simply depends on what your goals are.
In patients with very minimal excess lower eyelid skin, treatment with CO2 laser may improve the appearance of the eye.
Patients with hollowness under the eye can benefit from the use of facial fillers in that area.
Typically, patients with eye bags are not ideal candidates for lower eye/ tear trough filler and are better served by surgery.
The incision for lower blepharoplasty is hidden within the eye so there are typically no external scars. If a skin pinch is performed, you will have a small incision just below your lower eyelashes. This incision heals beautifully and is typically nearly invisible.
Most herbal supplements should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Any blood thinner or aspirin will also need to be stopped. You should avoid taking NSAIDs for 7 days prior to surgery.
Supplements like arnica, bromelain, vitamin C, and zinc may be taken prior to surgery, as these can help reduce bruising and swelling.
Pain medication may be prescribed after lower blepharoplasty, but most patients simply take over the counter pain medication. We will also prescribe lubricating eye drops for you to use during your recovery.
Dr. Misch will personally review your medication list prior to surgery and discuss what to and not to take with you directly.
CO2 laser is a good addition to lower blepharoplasty, as it will help tighten the thin crepey skin that develops on the lower lid.
Fat transfer is also commonly used alongside lower blepharoplasty. In patients who don’t have enough lower lid fat to reposition, fat transfer can be vital to creating that smooth transition from the eye to the cheek.