Facial Fat Transfer in Denver, CO
Restore lost facial volume, for good
Facial fat transfer is a procedure that takes fat from another part of your body, typically the abdomen or thighs, and uses it to volumize the face. With time, the fat in our face shrinks, creating hollows that can contribute to the appearance of facial aging. Fat transfer provides a similar result to injectable fillers, but unlike fillers, your body will not fully absorb the fat once you are healed. Fat transfer will last for many years.
The fat taken from your body can be processed into different sizes- some for volumizing the face and some can be turned into “nanofat,” a stem cell rich liquid that can be injected superficially to help fine lines and wrinkles.
Dr. Misch frequently offers fat transfer in conjunction with other procedures. As a stand alone procedure, it can be performed in her Denver, CO office under local anesthesia.

Who is a fat transfer candidate?
You are a candidate for fat transfer if you have areas in your face that could benefit from more volume. Common areas for fat transfer include the cheeks, tear trough/under eyes, temples, and nasolabial folds, but it can also be used to augment the chin and jawline.
You should be overall healthy. It is also important to have realistic expectations and a positive attitude to help you navigate your recovery!
What are the benefits of a fat transfer?
Fat transfer takes your own fat cells and injects them into facial areas that have lost volume, creating a more youthful, refreshed appearance. Nanofat injections are rich in stem cells and help build collagen within the dermis of the skin, improving fine lines, skin quality, and skin tone.
A main benefit of fat transfer is that it is a long lasting procedure. Unlike facial fillers that are broken down by the body and often require regular repeat injections, fat transfer will last for years to decades.
As an additional benefit, fat transfer is a relatively quick procedure that can be done in the office under local anesthesia.
What is fat transfer recovery like?
You will have swelling in the areas that fat was injected. This swelling will gradually decrease over the next 2-3 weeks. You may have a small amount of bruising on the face; you will likely also have bruising on the area of the body from which the fat was taken. Pain will be relatively minimal and you can resume normal activity a few days later.
As with all surgeries, full results can take time. Dr. Misch will be with you every step of your recovery!

Why choose Dr. Misch for your fat transfer?
Dr. Misch’s meticulous surgical technique will provide excellent results for your fat transfer procedure.
She will provide caring, compassionate treatment, both before and after your surgery. She is available to answer your questions throughout your recovery. You will truly have someone supporting you every step of the way!

Look and feel better, younger, refreshed. Improved.
Schedule a Consultation
When we feel confident, the people around us notice. Through an individualized, tailor made treatment plan, Dr. Misch can help you feel more self assured.
Fat Transfer FAQs
To start, no one NEEDS fat transfer! It simply depends on what your goals are.
Injectable fillers are more temporary, slightly less invasive options for revolumization of the face.
There will be 1-2 very small incisions at the area where your fat was harvested (abdomen or thighs), typically < 5mm in size. In the face, there are no incisions. Small needles are used to inject the fat.
Most herbal supplements should be stopped 2 weeks prior to surgery. Any blood thinner or aspirin will also need to be stopped. You should avoid taking NSAIDs for 7 days prior to surgery.
Supplements like arnica, bromelain, vitamin C, and zinc may be taken prior to surgery, as these can help reduce bruising and swelling.
Pain medication may be prescribed, though discomfort after fat transfer is relatively minimal.
Dr. Misch will personally review your medication list prior to surgery and discuss what to and not to take with you directly.
Fat transfer is commonly combined with other procedures. Most commonly, it is performed in conjunction with a deep plane facelift or a lower blepharoplasty.
While technically, yes, fat can be injected into the lips, it is somewhat more unpredictable in the lips. Dr. Misch prefers injectable filler for use in the lips.
For patients desiring more permanent lip augmentation, a lip lift may be more appropriate.